FORMUFIT (pron: form-yoo-fit) was created with a single principle: Provide the tools and materials our customers need to build unique projects from PVC pipe. FORMUFIT products are high-quality, long-lasting, and safe PVC products that anyone, from amateurs to professionals, can use quickly, safely, and efficiently.
All FORMUFIT products are ideal for complex structure building, such as 3-Way PVC Corners, 4-Way PVC Tees and 5-Way PVC Crosses, that you wont find in any hardware store. FORMUFIT PVC products carry the same design language and combine to create the perfect end solution for your project needs.
FORMUFIT LC implores you or your organization to invent, manufacture, assemble or design a finished product using FORMUFIT products and offer those products for sale, However, FORMUFIT products are not for resale as individual units. Purchasing quantities from FORMUFIT does not grant the purchaser any distributorship or resale license of our products, trademarks, or copyrights. For information regarding distributorships of FORMUFIT products, please contact us at distribution@formufit.com